Welcome to the Helena Hunters and Anglers (HHAA) website!
HHAA is a small but dedicated group of volunteers who care deeply about Montana’s wildlife, wild places and public lands. Our conservation focus includes an emphasis on local public land roadless areas, big game security, travel management, local Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Wildlife Management Areas and ethical hunting.
We, as twenty first century Montanans, have inherited an incredible legacy of publicly owned lands and waters that support a diverse array of wildlife, also belonging to us all. Our American system of public lands and North American Model of Wildlife Conservation are unique in the world. As hunter-conservationists we feel a profound responsibility to protect what we have inherited and improve on it, where possible. Unfortunately, there have always been, and will always be, those who seek to destroy this legacy to make a buck. We believe in constant vigilance and holding public land managers and wildlife managers to account, encouraging them toward ever better stewardship and conservation-minded management.
There is much work to be done!
Please take your time to look over our new website and consider joining our group.
Steve Platt, President