Positions & Statements
At HHAA, we believe that actions speak for themselves, so we have taken on several projects to follow through on our convictions. Some of those projects have been completed (Past Accomplishments), while others are works in progress (Our Impact, Current Events, HHAA News).
At the same time, HHAA often supports positions taken by other conservation groups recommending specific action (or avoidance of some action) to benefit wildlife and the natural resources that support them. Below are some of those positions. This page is currently under development and will be expanded.
- Public Land Transfer and Sale -opposition from National Sportsmen 2015-04-14
- Colestrip Air Quality Permit – HHAA Comment 2012-09-19
- Land and Water Conservation Fund Support-Sportsmans Groups 2011-07-08
- OP-ED I-161 End outfitter sponsored out-of-state big game licenses-Posewitz 2010-10-21
- CM Russell National Wildlife Refuge-Oil and Gas-Sporting Group Comment 2009-01-31